Word of the Day: Vervullen

A verb meaning “to fill“. I’ve found my life changing at an incredibly fast pace this last year, I’m told that just how being in your 20’s works. Im skeptical at best. But you can either fight change, or you can embrace it. I’m ideally going with the later. Be that last minute trips, giving…

Word of the Day: Bewust Zijn Van

An expression meaning “to be aware of“. Since it’s summer, and since I just quit the job that was inducing nothing but misery. It’s distinctly a time bewust zijn van everything in my life. Both the positive influences and the negative. It is time to be aware of the fact that though this role was a source…

Word of the Day: Vergeven

A verb meaning “to forgive” This is an action that I didn’t really seem to learn until going through a lot of self inflicted suffering. Shockingly it wasn’t personal relationships that were the teacher. It was learning to forgive myself. Learning to forgive myself for loss, for growth, for moving on. The hardest part about…

Word of the Day: De Stress

A noun meaning “stress”. I apologize for the unexplained gap in posts as of late. I’ve been de stressed. As well, I was on a girls weekend to Kelowna. I had never been to Kelowna so it was a perfectly wonderful treat and escape. But also the breath of fresh air that was just strong enough to…

Word of the Day: Hand Geven

An expression meaning “to shake hands”. Just in keeping with my theme of perverting the words meaning to my own feelings… Today I’m going hand geven with my body. It’s faced years of unnecessary and unproductive loathing when all I had to do was care for it. I’m truly blessed to have a healthy body,…

Word of the Day: Het Schild

A noun meaning “shield” something to protect someone from a danger, risk, or unpleasant experience. A perfect word for the last few weeks, I have been using so many factors in my life as a shield. My unhappiness in my current job, being jet-lagged from my trip, the problems friends are having, the lack of…

Word of the Day: Omstreden

An adjective meaning “controversial”. A lot of our world is filled with controversy, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Where there’s Controversy or omstreden there is clearly a need for change. But sometimes we need to have a break from it. A healthy outlet, a place to escape to. Be that going for a…

Word of the Day: Wegdoen

An expression meaning “to get rid of” This expression could have many feelings associated with it. It could easily be a negative but in my experience it tends to be more positive. In the last year or so I’ve started my own journey into minimalism. This has led to many purges in my life. Be…

Word of the Day: De Luchtverfrisser

A noun meaning “air freshener” Hahaha what a humorous word to be selected. I guess it could come in handy some day? So odd though. I guess yesterday the rain and the jazz tunes where my air fresheners. Filling the atmosphere with unpredictable solos and freshness that I was definitely in need of. Sometimes your…

Word of the Day: Nooit Van Mijn Leven

Expression meaning “never in my life”. Around 3 years ago, Never in my life did I think I could or would go out to dinner alone, go to a movie alone, go get groceries alone. I was so scared, so dependent, any of those simple things I wouldn’t dare do alone. Just under a month…